Definition of Hosting
Web hosting is a set of services that renders it attainable for an online portal to go live and be reachable from any country around the world. When you type a domain in a web browser's URL bar, what you discern are the web site files that are placed on the hosting servers of a web hosting services provider. The hosting service also offers the option to create email boxes with your domain, to set up and manage databases, to configure password-guarded sections, and to keep track of all web site visitors - what pages they dropped in on, what web search engine or website they came from and in which country they were located. Additional options that are included in each and every website hosting package are FTP access, the ability to set up custom DNS records, domain parking and forwarding functionalities, etc.
Why Do You Need Hosting?
Unlimited bandwidth
5 websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
Undoubtedly, having an online portal is the swiftest, simplest and cheapest means to reach a maximum number of persons. It is a way to come across folks with corresponding hobbies, to circulate opinions, to introduce a project or to get brand new clients. A site is available online 24/7 and the only fee that needs to be paid is for the hosting service itself - there are no fees for paperwork, supplementary office space or more workers. Customers from any country can buy products and services at any given time, managers can have a look at your portfolio if you are an entrepreneur, or if you provide services even as simple as lawn trimming. Having an online portal is a great means to find new clients locally. More and more persons do research on the World Wide Web before they order anything, and a relevant and simple site name is simpler to share with buddies or partners than a residential address and a phone number. This info can be exhibited on your website, merely a single click away.
Where Can You Find Dependable website hosting Services?
Discovering a hosting services provider distributing moderately priced, reliable hosting services is a hope everyone has. Yet, there still are several web hosting service providers, which correspond to this definition - a definition, which seems idealistic to a certain degree. One web hosting company that offers an excellent combination of modest prices and top-class quality of the hosting services on offer is us at 'Best PC Haven'. We may be not well-known at present, since we devise our cloud hosting platform in-house. At the same time other web hosting firms such as HostGator, BlueHost, JustHost, etc. are simply utilizing cPanel, having paid a license tax. They do not devise anything. They are just offering an ordinary cPanel web hosting Control Panel under their own personal brand and that's all they do. Simple. These web hosting providers are all alike. They differ by their brands mainly. And as they do not invent anything, they concentrate on marketing exclusively - on how to become more famous than they are at the moment. With us it's quite different. Because the extremely complicated cloud web hosting architecture calls for plenty of effort and time to erect (as compared with the 13.00 dollars/month cPanel licence fee per web server), we at 'Best PC Haven' can barely contend with the invasive marketing maneuvers applied by the cPanel-powered hosting companies. You can't be the best in every sphere of activity. You can be the best in just one or two spheres, at best. We are doubtlessly a good web hosting provider. Marketing might not be the strongest point in our business, which is why we are not so famous yet. If you are looking for any of these: hosting services, VPS services, semi-dedicated servers and dedicated servers, and last but not least cheap domain name registration and SSL certificates, you can pick them up from us. You'll be pleasantly surprised with our web hosting CP and the various widgets included there: the Domain, Email and File Managers are purely outstanding. cPanel does not include any Domain Manager at all! A whole new book can be published if these 2 hosting environments go under the microscope: the one-server-based cPanel platform (1) and the multiple-server-based cloud hosting platform we offer (2). Let's finish here. Plenty has already been mentioned...